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How to Choose the Right Split System Aircon?



Feeling the heat wave in Newcastle? That relentless sun just won’t let up, turning your living space into a sauna. Choosing the right split system air conditioning can transform your sweaty discomfort into refreshing coolness. However, it’s not as simple as picking the first option you see. With so many choices out there, finding the perfect fit for your space can feel overwhelming. That’s where we step in. 

So, let’s find the right aircon before worrying about hiring split system air conditioning services in Newcastle!

Choosing the Perfect Split System: Factors to Consider

A split system is a type of cooling system that divides its components into two parts: the indoor and outdoor units. These units work in tandem and are connected by a pair of coils to transfer cooled or warmed refrigerant. Typically, the indoor unit is mounted on the wall, while the outdoor unit houses the coil and fan. Split systems offer flexibility and convenience for controlling the climate of single rooms.

Along with quiet operation, you can also expect easy air conditioning installation for these systems in Newcastle. They are also reversible, providing both heating and cooling capabilities.

With various brands, sizes, energy ratings, and output capacities available in the market, choosing the right split system can be overwhelming. However, we’re here to assist you in finding the ideal solution for your needs. Keep in mind that split systems are designed for single-room use, providing a simple and cost-effective solution for air conditioning in individual rooms or open areas.

They are energy-efficient, minimising noise and operating costs. Plus, their modular design allows you to start with one unit and add more later as needed, providing flexibility. Each unit comes with a straightforward remote control, enabling independent temperature settings for each room.

How do you determine the appropriate size for a split system?

Size holds significant importance in the realm of air conditioning. Opting for a system that’s too small won’t effectively cool or warm a room.

Conversely, selecting an overly powerful system for the room’s dimensions may result in frequent cycling, leading to increased strain on the unit and a shorter lifespan. As a rule of thumb, for every 10 square meters (sqm) of space, a split system air conditioner with approximately 1-1.5 kilowatts of cooling capacity is recommended. Additionally, other factors play pivotal roles in the performance of your split system air conditioner, including:

– Ceiling height.

– Insulation in ceilings and walls.

– Position and dimensions of windows, along with their orientation.

– Local climate conditions.

– Exposure of the room to direct sunlight and any activities that might contribute to higher-than-average room temperatures.

Once you have this figured out, you can get a reliable technician for air conditioning installation in Newcastle. 

Which features should be on your must-have list?  

Compare the features offered across different models on our product pages before choosing any split air conditioning for installation in Newcastle. 

Programmable Timer

A handy feature allowing you to schedule your unit to power on before you return home from work and to automatically shut off at night, conserving electricity while you sleep.

Humidity Management

Especially beneficial for those residing in tropical regions or individuals dealing with respiratory issues, aiding in regulating the air’s moisture levels.

Wireless Remote Control

Enables effortless operation of your split system air conditioner, allowing you to turn it on or off and adjust the temperature from a distance, eliminating the need for physical movement.

Sleep Mode

Adapts your unit’s temperature settings to optimise comfort during your sleeping hours.

Dual Heating and Cooling (Reverse Cycle)

Offers the versatility of both heating and cooling functions, ensuring year-round comfort regardless of the season.

Air Purification System

Ideal for allergy sufferers or asthmatics, this feature employs advanced filtration technology to eliminate harmful pollutants such as dust, smoke particles, and bacteria, fostering a cleaner and healthier indoor environment.

Adjustable Fan Speeds

Tailor your cooling experience by selecting from various fan speeds to suit your preferences.

Energy-Saving Eco Mode

The last but one of the most important feature to look for in your aircon is the energy-saving mode. It utilises intelligent technology to optimise energy consumption, ensuring efficient operation while minimising power usage.

Final Word:

Selecting the right split system air conditioner involves careful consideration of various factors and features. By assessing your specific needs and comparing the available options, you can find a unit that offers optimal comfort and efficiency for your home. Whether it’s programmable timers for convenience, humidity control for health benefits, or air purification for cleaner air, there’s a wide range of features to suit every preference. 

Once you decide on the system, you can contact Onsite Air for reliable air conditioning installation in Newcastle. If you need, they will help you find the right split system, providing you the comfort of regulated temperature all round the year. 

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Natural Methods: How to Keep Wasps Away From Your Home



wasps nest removal

Wasps can be a nuisance, especially during warmer months. Here are some natural methods to keep these pests away from your home effectively.

Understanding What Attracts Wasps

  1. Food Sources: Wasps are drawn to protein-rich foods and sugary substances. Clean up spills and store food properly to minimize attraction.
  2. Shelter: Wasps seek out sheltered areas like eaves, crevices, and wall cavities for building nests.
  3. Flowers: Wasps are attracted to the nectar and scent of flowers. Keep garden beds well-maintained to reduce their presence.

Natural Repellents and Preventive Measures

Essential Oils

Using essential oils is a popular and effective way to repel wasps. Peppermint oil, in particular, has been found to be highly effective. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around your home in areas where wasps are likely to build nests, such as porch roofs and eaves​​. You can also use a blend of essential oils like lemongrass, clove, and geranium for a stronger repellent​. For persistent issues, consider consulting a professional for wasp nest removal and pest control services like wasps nest removal.

Homemade Wasp Repellent Spray

To make a natural wasp repellent spray, mix a tablespoon of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of dish soap for better adhesion. Spray this solution around windows, doors, and other entry points​ ​.

Plants that Repel Wasps

Planting certain herbs and plants around your yard can naturally deter wasps. Consider growing spearmint, thyme, citronella, eucalyptus, and wormwood. These plants not only add beauty to your garden but also keep wasps at bay​​.

DIY Wasp Traps

Creating wasp traps can help reduce their numbers. A simple trap can be made using a two-liter plastic bottle. Cut off the top, invert it, and place it back into the bottle. Fill the bottom with a mix of water and sugar to attract them. Once they enter the bottle, they will be unable to escape and eventually drown​ ​.

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Physical Barriers and Maintenance

  1. Seal Cracks and Holes: Inspect your home for any cracks or holes and seal them with caulk or expanding foam sealant. This will prevent wasps from entering and building nests​​.
  2. Screen Maintenance: Ensure that window and door screens are intact and free of tears. This will prevent wasps from entering your home​ ​.

Safe Wasp Nest Removal

Removing wasp nests can be dangerous and should be done with caution. It’s best to hire a professional for large nests. For smaller nests, you can use a mixture of soap and water to spray directly on the nest. The soap clogs their breathing spores, killing them almost instantly​ ​.

By using these natural methods, you can effectively keep wasps away from your home and enjoy a pest-free environment. For persistent issues, consider consulting a professional for wasp nest removal and pest control services like pest control grand prairie.


How can I naturally repel wasps? 

Use peppermint oil or a blend of essential oils like lemongrass, clove, and geranium.

What plants deter wasps? 

Plant spearmint, thyme, citronella, eucalyptus, and wormwood in your garden.

How do I make a homemade wasp trap? 

Use a two-liter bottle, cut off the top, invert it, and fill the bottom with water and sugar.

When is the best time to seal cracks to prevent wasps? 

Seal cracks in late autumn or early spring when nests are dormant.

Is it safe to remove wasp nests myself? 

For small nests, use a soap and water spray. For larger nests, hire a professional.

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6 Privacy Tips for Home Surveillance Systems



Home surveillance systems are becoming increasingly popular as more people seek to enhance their home security. However, while these systems offer great benefits, they also pose potential privacy risks. Balancing security and privacy is crucial. This article provides six essential tips to ensure your home surveillance system protects your privacy while maintaining the security of your home.

1. Choose the Right Equipment

Selecting the appropriate surveillance equipment is the first step in safeguarding your privacy. Opt for devices from reputable manufacturers known for their security features. Ensure the equipment offers strong encryption to protect the data it collects. Avoid cheap, no-name brands as they may lack essential security measures. Investing in quality equipment can prevent unauthorized access to your footage. Research and read reviews to make an informed choice. Choosing the right equipment lays the foundation for a secure home security camera systems.

2. Secure Your Network

Your home network is the backbone of your surveillance system. It’s vital to keep it secure to prevent unauthorized access. Change the default username and password on your router to something unique and complex. Enable WPA3 encryption for the highest level of security. Regularly update your router’s firmware to protect against vulnerabilities. Using a guest network for your smart devices can also add an extra layer of security. By securing your network, you significantly reduce the risk of hackers accessing your surveillance feeds.


3. Set Strong Passwords

Strong passwords are a critical component of home surveillance security. Create strong passwords by combining letters, numbers, and special characters. Steer clear of easily guessed details like birthdays or simple patterns. Update your passwords frequently and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to keep track of your passwords securely. Strong passwords help ensure that only authorized individuals can access your surveillance system, protecting your privacy.

4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) enhances your surveillance system’s security by adding an additional verification step. This extra layer of protection significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. It could be a code sent to your phone or generated by an authentication app. Even if someone steals your password, they would still need this additional verification to access your account. Enabling 2FA on all your surveillance and related accounts can greatly enhance your system’s security. This step is simple but very effective in protecting your privacy.

5. Regularly Update Firmware and Software

Keeping your surveillance system’s firmware and software up to date is crucial for security. Manufacturers frequently release updates to patch vulnerabilities and improve security features. Set your devices to update automatically, or check for updates regularly. Outdated software can have security holes that hackers can exploit. By ensuring your system is always running the latest version, you protect it from known threats. Regular updates are a simple but essential step in maintaining the security of your surveillance system.


6. Be Mindful of Camera Placement

The placement of your surveillance cameras can greatly impact your privacy. Avoid placing cameras in private areas such as bedrooms and bathrooms. Ensure that outdoor cameras do not point toward your neighbor’s property. Be mindful of areas where you might expect a higher level of privacy. Proper camera placement not only protects your privacy but also respects the privacy of others. Strategically positioning your cameras helps to achieve the right balance between security and privacy. 


Protecting your privacy while using a home surveillance system is essential. By choosing the right equipment, securing your network, setting strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, regularly updating firmware and software, and being mindful of camera placement, you can enhance your security without compromising your privacy. These tips provide a comprehensive approach to maintaining privacy in your home surveillance system. Implementing these measures ensures that your system works for you, keeping your home safe while respecting your personal privacy.

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Stylish Living Room Decor: Flower Vases and Hanging Items for a Perfect Home Touch




Decorating a living room to look classy and feel cozy is not exactly easy. It requires some imagination and good design sense. Flower vase for living room decor and other items that can be hung also make the place more appealing to the eyes and add individuality to it. Below are some tips that will enable you to get that ideal look.

Selecting the Appropriate Flower Vases

When choosing flower vases, it is important only to choose those that are compatible with the living room’s color theme. Choose vases with colors that harmonize well with those in the interior or dictate the color theme of the room.

Finding the Right Style for Your Interior Design

This is determined by whether you want your living room to be modern, traditional, vernacular, minimalistic, or any other characteristic. Contemporary decors require simple and elegant vases, while traditional decors require elaborate and antique ones.

Exploring with Shapes and Size

The shape and size of the flower vases that you choose can also be changed to add aesthetic value to the flower vases. Tall and thin vases will make a grand statement, while round and compact vases are perfect for a snug atmosphere.

Utilizing Unique Materials

Try different types of vases. These could be made of glass, ceramic, or metal. They both impose a different feel and look on the space, peculiarly characterizing the environment.

Incorporating Natural Elements

The decoration of a vase filled with flowers but made from natural materials like wood or stone adds more earth elements. Such features can lead to occasions whereby the coziest of moods or conditions are created within a given environment.

Arranging Vases Strategically

Vases can be placed on tables such as coffee and side tables or in other conspicuous areas such as the fireplace. This is because they aim and direct the attention to the major features in the rooms.

Balancing Color and Contrast

It is easier to use vases to emphasize any object or to introduce some monotonous variety into the color that is already utilized. A bright-looking vase would give life to a plain and boring room just by being there.

Mixing Floral Arrangements

Flowers selected for the bouquet and the other greenery accessories do not necessarily have to be in the same style. The best thing, though, is that using fresh and dried flowers together can bring even more depth and warmth to the floral pieces.

Seasonal Flower Choices

Flowers are generally considered to be seasonal products, and therefore, the floral ornaments that one may find in a particular room could be changed depending on the season. For example, flowers produced in spring and summer are often gaudy and hence call for new raw colors and crude patterns, while flowers produced in autumn and winter need rather plain colors.

Creating Symmetry with Pairs

Two vases can form an appealing ratio and constitute order in a room. It is balanced to have two vases on either side of the sofa or a fireplace, and this gives a beautiful outlook.

Choosing the Right Plants

Select plants that may be hung and those that best contain pothos, ferns, or spider plants that thrive indoors. These low-maintenance plants will assist in creating a green outlook for the area.

Creative Hanging Solutions

Check out various hanging options, such as the macrame hanger, plant holder, wall planter, or ceiling hook. All of them are different in terms of the appearance they will give the area.

Incorporating Hanging Lights

Ceiling lights can be hung to provide light and enhance the aesthetic sense. Improvised options like pendant lights, chandeliers, and fairy lights can help set the mood.

Adding Hanging Plants

Indoor hanging plants also offer a good way of enhancing the green outlook within a compound without occupying the floor space. They are used as home decor hanging items that can be arranged in numerous forms, which makes them versatile.

Flower vases and hanging items can add uniqueness, improve the overall appearance of a living room, and make it more inviting. With proper and careful choosing and positioning of such elements, one can design an elegant and cozy living space that will be enjoyable to stay in.

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